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New Ways of Seeing: Studies of Home
Digital Print Installation, digital print on polyester cloth, 2015-16

This work evolved from an extensive documentary project of exterior and interior scenes of my childhood home, where my parents still live. The process of documenting the entire house and all the things in it is much like how an archeologist uncovers bones – slow, careful – thorough. I use a DSLR camera to take literally thousands of pictures to capture high-resolution details. Using multiple images, I digitally compose and reconstruct the spaces of the house. These digital compositions are printed on panels of polyester cloth and sewn together to make the wall hangings. I want the viewer to be immersed in the details, to experience the textures, colors and the overwhelming imagery at almost life scale. Though I have a personal connection to this space, the goal of this project is to fulfill a more universal purpose. The house serves as a site for cultural and philosophical study of American landscape. I see all “this stuff” as evidence. I am presenting this evidence openly for anyone to examine.
-Jenny Hyde, May 2015
Studies of Home, installation view

Gallery Two, Washington State University, Pullman, WA

inkjet print on polyester cloth, sewn with grommets, various sizes, 2015-16
installation view

Gallery Two, Washington State University, Pullman, WA

inkjet print on polyester cloth, sewn with grommets, various sizes, 2015-16
Installation view

Gallery Two, Washington State University, Pullman, WA

inkjet print on polyester cloth, sewn with grommets, various sizes, 2015-16
The Living Room

inkjet print on polyester cloth, sewn with grommets, various sizes, 2015-16
The Back Porch

inkjet print on polyester cloth, sewn with grommets, various sizes, 2015-16
The Computer Table

inkjet print on polyester cloth, sewn with grommets, various sizes, 2015-16
The Kitchen Stove

inkjet print on polyester cloth, sewn with grommets, various sizes, 2015-16
The Outhouse

inkjet print on polyester cloth, sewn with grommets, various sizes, 2015-16
The Kitchen Table Window

inkjet print on polyester cloth, sewn with grommets, various sizes, 2015-16